Mình từng đến Vienna, Áo 2 lần. Đây không phải thành phố ấn tượng hay để lại cảm xúc đậm sâu gì với mình. Đôi khi cảm giác Vienna còn hơi bị overrated – quá đông, quá được ngợi ca nhưng nhạt nhạt sao sao ý. Đây cũng là cảm giác chung khi đi một số thành phố khác của Áo như Graz và Salzburg. Chỉ có Hallstatt là mang cảm giác tuyệt vời cổ tích có thực

Tuy nhiên, Vienna, Áo là bối cảnh của bộ phim kinh điển, bộ phim đến giờ mình coi là lãng mạn dễ thương nhất đời – Before Sunrise. Jesse – anh chàng người Mỹ đi du lịch châu Âu vào mùa hè năm 1994, đang ngồi trên chuyến tàu từ Budapest sang Áo, gặp gỡ Celine, cô gái Paris đi chung chuyến tàu đó. Chỉ 1 đêm ngắn ngủn bên nhau, chỉ những lời nói chuyện rất nhẹ nhàng và chia xa nhau, no contact hoàn toàn trong 10 năm tới. Before Sunrise là mở đầu của trilogy kinh điển Before Sunrise với khung cảnh Vienna, Before Sunset với khung cảnh Paris và Before Midnight ở một hòn đảo của Hy Lạp. Mình sẽ không review phim đâu, chỉ một vài lời quotes, là đủ để cảm Vienna, Áo, và cảm bộ phim rồi nhé :D. Bộ ảnh được chụp bởi cô em Annie Dương Phan, đã xin phép được đăng lại 🙂

“You know, I believe if there’s any kind of God, it wouldn’t be in any of us. Not you, or me…but just this little space in between. If there’s any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. I know, it‘s almost impossible to succeed, but…who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt.”
Điều khó nhất trên đời này là cố thấu hiểu ai đó, cố gắng chia sẻ cái gì đó, nhưng phía kia không đón nhận 🙂
Céline: And he’s so cute! He has beautiful blue eyes, nice pink lips, greasy hair. I love it. He’s kind of tall, and a little clumsy. I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. He kind of kisses like an adolescent, it‘s so cute.
Jesse: And I was so unsure of myself. I thought everything I said sounded so stupid.
Céline: Oh, man, I wouldn’t worry about that.
Jesse: No…
Céline: No, I’m sure she was not judging you. No…and by the way, she sat next to you, no? I’m sure she did it on purpose.
Jesse: Oh, Yeah?
Céline: Yeah. Us men are so stupid. We don’t understand anything about women.
Jesse: Mm-hmm.
Céline: They act kind of strange. The little I know of them. Don’t they?
Jesse: Yeah.

Unsure – không chắc chắn 🙂
Céline: It‘s just…it‘s depressing, no? That the…the only thing we’re gonna think of is when we’re gonna have to say goodbye tomorrow.
Jesse: Well, we could say goodbye now. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning.
Céline: Now?
Jesse: Yeah. Say goodbye.
Céline: Bye.
Jesse: Goodbye.
Céline: you have a…Au revoir.
Jesse: Later!
Jesse: I feel like this is uh, some dream world we’re in, you know.
Céline: Yeah, it’s so weird. It‘s like our time together is just ours. It‘s our own creation. It must be like I’m in your dream, and you in mine, or something.
Jesse: And what’s so cool is that this whole evening, all our time together, shouldn’t officially be happening.
Céline: Yeah, I know. Maybe that’s why this feels so otherworldly. But then the morning comes, and we turn into pumpkins, right?
Jesse: Ahhh…
Céline: Yeah, I know. But at this time, I think you’re supposed to produce the glass slipper, and see if it fits.
Jesse: Yeah?
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: It’ll fit.
“You know…you know what’s the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? It‘s when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with, and you realize that that is how little they’re thinking about you, you know? You know, you’d like to think that you’re both in all this pain, but really, they’re just, “Hey, I’m glad you’re gone.” – Jesse
“I don’t think we should sleep together. I mean, I want to, but since we’re never going to see each other again…it’ll make me feel bad. I‘ll wonder who else you’re with. I’ll miss you. I know. It’s not very adult. Maybe it‘s a female thing. I can’t help it.” – Celine
Celine: Talking seriously here. I mean,…I, I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making…making it look my…my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?
Céline: Now let’s just be rational adults about this. We, maybe we should try something different. I mean, it‘s not so bad if tonight is our only night, right? People always exchange phone numbers, addresses, they end up writing once, calling each other once or twice…
Jesse: Right. Fizzles out. Yeah, I mean, I don’t want that. I hate that.
Céline: I hate that too, you know.
Jesse: Why do you think everybody thinks relationships are supposed to last forever?
Céline: Yeah, why. It’s stupid.
Jesse: So, you think tonight’s it, huh? I mean, that tonight’s our only night.
Céline: It‘s the only way, no?
Jesse: Well, alright. Let’s do it. No delusions, no projections. We’ll just make tonight great.
Céline: Okay, let’s do that.
Jesse: Okay.

Có những sự ly biệt 10 năm, không 1 kết nối, có những sự ly biệt là vĩnh viễn 🙂 ~~~ Quynh Around the World 🙂